24|7|365: The Evolution of Emergency Medicine

24|7|365: The Evolution of Emergency Medicine

This documentary tells the story of the beginning of emergency medicine and how the founders of the specialty changed the American medical landscape.



Meet the Founders: A Panel of Emergency Medicine's Heroes

 Eight of emergency medicine's greatest storytellers share their experiences in two 45-minute panel discussions at ACEP13 in Seattle. Hosted by Dr. Amal Mattu, the revealing panels showcase EM luminaries Drs. Bruce Janiak, Peter Rosen, George Podgorny, Pam Bensen, Ron Stewart, Gautam Bodiwala, Nancy Auer, and Brian Zink, all of whom are featured in EMRA's documentary, 24|7|365: The Evolution of Emergency Medicine.

View the Panel Discussion

Purchase Documentary

Thank you for your interest in 24|7|365 - The Evolution of Emergency Medicine. We have a limited number of two-disc DVD sets available for purchase, which includes the documentary and several hours of bonus material, for $20.00 plus shipping.

You may purchase the DVD either through the ACEP Bookstore or Amazon.com or iTunes.

We hope you enjoy the documentary.
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