Browsing: May 2016

How LOW Can You Go? Sulfonylurea-Induced Hypoglycemia A 66-year-old female with a past medical history of diabetes mellitus type two and dementia presents to your emergency department with hypoglycem
Driving the Evolution of EM Recently I had the pleasure of attending the EMRA Medical Student Symposium, a collaboration between EMRA and Ohio ACEP. At this student-centric event in Columbus, Ohio, I
Passing the Baton: New EMRA Committee and Division Leaders Up and Running EMRA's committees and divisions welcomed new leaders during the SAEM conference in May, as vice-chairs stepped into the role
POLST: Guiding Providers in End of Life Care It is 9 a.m. in the emergency department when triage announces overhead, “Cardiac arrest. 5 minutes.” A few minutes later, the EMS crew arrives actively d
Letter from the Editor Spring has sprung, summer is almost here, moods and pool covers have been lifted. Residency is flying by, and like seasons, the more I know and the more experiences I have, the
Affordable Care Act: 5 Years Later Are We There Yet? Just 5 years ago, millions of Americans entered a new era of health care. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was born and sold as the solution for impr
ECG Challenge Case A 76-year-old female with dementia and unknown cardiac history presents with chest pain and palpitations for 4 hours. Answer Atrial fibrillation preceded and followed by paced beat