Browsing: Editorial

The Crucible of Medicine: Reflections on Becoming a Doctor I entered the third year of medical school with great excitement. I was finally out of the classroom and seeing real patients, connecting w
Letter from the Editor There I was, driving giddily to the Social Security Administration office on Delmar Boulevard in St. Louis. It was June 30, and I was a newlywed doctor (surely it was a mistake
Letter from the Editor And in the end, when the life went out of him and my hands could work no more, I left from that place into the night and wept — for myself, for life, for the tragedy of death’s
Can I Take Your Order? Patient Satisfaction in Emergency Medicine A man named Tim goes out to eat at a restaurant. He asks Joe, the server, for his recommendation. Joe insists the salmon is by far th
Letter from the Editor I couldn’t stop staring at the eerie photo I had just taken from the 7th floor of the Texas School Book Depository, peering out over the intersection of Elm and Houston. I was
Letter from the Editor Some days I feel like quitting. I always imagine it happening in the same way. It will be the end of an exhausting 12-hour overnight shift. I will have just been yelled at by a
Recognizing Compassion Fatigue: Seeing Past the Present She was constantly in the emergency department for alcohol and drug intoxication. Staff dreaded her because she was usually inebriated and aski
Making the Most of National Conferences Generally, the association that medical students make with conferences is research. However, I'm here to tell you that attending an emergency medicine conferen
A Personal Story of Burnout Up until this past week, I thought I had a good handle on burnout. I thought I had figured it out. At some point during the past year, during a string of overnight shifts
Letter from the Editor I see my mail carrier about once a week. She usually arrives around 11 am, sometimes later. If I am home, I will wave from the kitchen, occasionally running out with something