In the United States, 50% of health care costs are accumulated by only 5% of the population. To curb spending, programs have been developed to improve outcomes in patients with high health care use. B
Does triage create a bias that might contribute to mis-diagnosis? The Health Policy Journal Club evaluates a recent study of the Emergency Severity Index.
Social determinants of health are an important and well-documented driver of health care utilization and outcomes - so important, in fact, that there's a class of ICD codes specifically for it. Are yo
Tax Ills, Market Stabilization, and CHIP: What You Need to Know About the Tax Bill
Smiling with uncharacteristically good spirits for someone who has been living in the ICU for the past couple of mon
Bait and Switch: Troubling Developments in Emergency Care Coverage
Anthem, the nation's second largest insurer, has adopted a policy under which emergency department (ED) visits could be denied cover
What You Need to Know About the AHCA
The U.S. House of Representatives on May 4 narrowly passed the American Health Care Act (AHCA), HR 1628, after tabling the bill in March following a lack of party
The 21st Century Cures Act: Big Pharma Handout or Drug Development Boon?
One of the most important pieces of health care legislation since the Affordable Care Act snuck into law in the last days of P
Preserving the Safety Net: What is the True Cost of the Uninsured?
President Donald J. Trump has sparked emotional debate across the country with bold promises on important public health issues like