Browsing: Trauma

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Pericardial tamponade is a medical emergency that requires rapid recognition and intervention. Ultrasound is therefore the ideal tool for helping make this diagnosis. In this installment of our Advanc
The ECLS-SHOCK Trial investigated whether extracorporeal life support would benefit patients suffering acute myocardial infarction complicated by cardiogenic shock. Is VA-ECMO always the answer?
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The PATCH-Trauma Trial confirms short-term benefits of tranexamic acid (TXA) for prehospital treatment of the bleeding trauma patient, despite no evidence of long-term functional benefits.
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Unintentional injury is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the pediatric age group, with urogenital injury occurring in 10-20% of blunt abdominal trauma cases.1,2 Depending on the severity, s
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Consider delayed sequence intubation with ketamine in trauma patients requiring emergent airway intervention, as a 2023 study shows it was associated with a reduction in the incidence of peri-intubati
A new study evaluates whether administering 4-Factor Prothrombin Concentrate (4F-PCC) to patients at risk of massive transfusion due to trauma reduces the amount of blood products consumed.
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Critical Care Alert: The triage of patients in the trauma bay is difficult, and no single measurement or vital sign will provide sufficient information for mortality. This study indicates ETCO2 - a co
Neurogenic pulmonary edema, associated with high mortality, can occur after any neurologic insult and is best addressed by controlling intracranial pressure.
Acute limb ischemia — a thromboembolic condition that occurs when arterial supply to the affected extremity becomes critically compromised — is a devastating condition if not expediently recognized an
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Isolated traumatic gallbladder injury is extremely rare and must be thoroughly evaluated due to the complications associated with traumatic gallbladder injury.