University of Washington


The Department of Emergency Medicine at University of Washington offers a four-year residency program for twelve residents each year.

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Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) allows for temporary life support in cardiopulmonary failure refractory to conventional medical treatment. Given its capabilities and increasing presence in
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A dearth of acute interventions for mental and behavioral health means we discharge many of our most at-risk patients home without first being able to significantly reduce their symptoms. Can ketamine
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Hepatorenal and hepatopulmonary syndromes can be easy to diagnose in the ED, and proper management can significantly impact morbidity and mortality downstream.
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How does subarachnoid hemorrhage lead to cardiac arrest, complete heart block, or cardiomyopathy?
When The Room Is Spinning: Can't-Miss Diagnoses in the Dizzy Patient A 34-year-old previously healthy female presents with abrupt onset right-sided headache, vertigo, and vomiting associated with di
Fractures and Fat Globules: Fat Embolism Syndrome EMS brings in a 20-year-old male who jumped from an overpass in a suicide attempt. He arrives with normal hemodynamics and is found to have bilatera
Toxic Shock Syndrome A 36-year-old man presents to the emergency department (ED) with altered mental status. Family reveals no significant medical history outside of recurrent epistaxis and a progres