Alex Lucas, MD

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EMRA Critical Care Committee Vice Chair, 2022-2023

Residency: Advocate Christ Medical Center

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How reliable is the old adage, "GCS less than 8, intubate"? A randomized trial examines the effect of intubation vs. noninvasive airway management for poisoned patients with GCS less than 8.
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Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) allows for temporary life support in cardiopulmonary failure refractory to conventional medical treatment. Given its capabilities and increasing presence in
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What role does amiodarone or lidocaine play in achieving a good outcome for shockable refractory out-of-hospital cardiac arrest? This Critical Care Alert looks at a follow-up to the ALPS study.
The EXTUB-OBESE study showed a decrease in extubation failure rates when extubating to non-invasive ventilation for obese patients vs. standard oxygen therapy.
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Emergent intubation requires critical thinking and precision. The same level of care should be extended to managing post-intubation sedation. This summary explores the most commonly used analgesics an
A new study evaluates whether administering 4-Factor Prothrombin Concentrate (4F-PCC) to patients at risk of massive transfusion due to trauma reduces the amount of blood products consumed.
A new study evaluates whether the duration of device-based targeted temperature management can affect mortality among cardiac arrest patients.
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The CLOVERS trial underscores the fact that fluid resuscitation strategies remain a highly debated and complex topic. It is still possible that specific patients may benefit from a restrictive fluid
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Alternative defibrillation techniques might be worth a second look. In this Critical Care Alert, we evaluate the largest and most rigorous study of double sequential external defibrillation (DSED) and
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How many of your patients can recall events during what you believed was a sedated endotracheal intubation? This study finds an appreciable number of patients who are paralyzed for intubation in the e