EMRA Board of Directors, Leadership

Get to know your President: Jessica Adkins Murphy, MD

Jessica Adkins Murphy, MD | University of Kentucky | Lexington, Ky. | President

What’s your first priority as EMRA president?
I am serving as president to represent the voice of EM residents to the organizations that hold the power to advance our training, our wellness, and our specialty. I hope, by supporting our strong relationships with ACEP, ABEM, the ACGME, and more, we can better cooperate and communicate on issues like the workforce, improving diverse representation in EM, medical student recruiting, and tackling the social challenges our patients face. I want these communications to go beyond tweets and headlines. Let’s have nuanced, personal, open conversations about these issues with residents, attendings, and students.

Where do you want EMRA to be at this time next year?
EMRA is already excellent internally, serving our members well through our publications, committees, events, and benefits. That will not change. The next step is to strengthen our outward-facing presence. I want the larger medical community to know EMRA and to see EMRA how I see it: as the creative, solution-oriented, forward-thinking coalition of thousands of trainees passionate about changing the world through EM.

How can EMRA members make a difference?
EMRA members make a difference every day that they show up for their shifts and serve patients through the hardest moments of their lives. But they also go above and beyond by advancing the specialty through research and publications. They make an impact on health policy through the EMRA Representative Council and meeting with their state and federal legislators. They have ripple effects through the next generation of EM when they serve as mentors and make connections across programs in EMRA Committees. And they make a difference in their own careers when they take advantage of EMRA’s many early-career resources, now known as EMbark!

How do you recharge after a tough shift?
Running with my dog, going out with my husband, but most importantly, SLEEP! Sleep and coffee are my hard reset.

What is something people don’t know about you?
Hablo español con fluidez.

One skill you want but don’t have (yet):
Being better at remembering names. I’m working on it!

One skill you could do without:
I probably spend way too much time listening to true crime podcasts.

Favorite follow on social:
@ukemres on Instagram and @wildcatemres

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