EMRA Board of Directors, Leadership

Get to know your Member at Large: Kimberly Herard, MD

Kimberly Herard, MD | Emory University School of Medicine | Atlanta, GA | Member at Large

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What's your first priority as an EMRA board member?
My first priority as a board member is to ensure that my intentions to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion are put into action and making a positive impact for EMRA members. To ensure I am putting my best foot forward and lifting EMRA up with a great new team!

What is the best advice you’ve ever received?
The best advice I have ever received is that I am capable of handling all that comes at me. I am never given more than I can bear. So do what you can, with what you have, where you are.

How do you recharge after a tough shift?
After a tough shift, I say a prayer, express my gratitude, and head home where I will eat a slice of cake, watch a movie, read a book, and burn a candle.

What is something people don't know about you?
People often don’t realize I am terribly afraid of all animals, including your pet dogs and cats.

One skill you want but don't have (yet):
One skill I want and don’t have yet is being able to roller skate. I am struggling with this learning thing.

One skill you could do without:
One skill I can do without: Hmm, I like having skills, so I think I would want them all! No skill is wasteful I believe!

Does pineapple go on pizza?
Pineapple absolutely does not belong on pizza. It just does not.

Favorite comfort food (or drink):
Favorite comfort food: Cake. Birthday cake/funfetti to be exact!

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