President's Message, Wellness

The Power of Connection

She stood alone on the stage, looking at the crowd. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and opened her soul.

We leaned forward as she began telling the story of a trauma patient encounter where everything seemed to go wrong. From conflicting details about the mechanism to frustrations with consultants to lamenting a broken health care system, her story illuminated the struggles we all endure every day.

She was honest and introspective in a way that only happens when you are looking people in the eyes – when you know that the whole truth must be shared. I have never seen anyone be so vulnerable in front of so many strangers. It was cathartic and important and necessary – and unlike anything I had ever seen before.

The moment was part of EMRA's Airway Stories, an intimate evening where dozens of us gather annually to share a drink and a story. Unscripted and spontaneous, it serves as a catharsis for those who take the stage and those who sit and listen. It is one of the things I have missed most about canceled conferences, and I cannot wait to gather again to support other young physicians as we share our stories.

It is one of many in-person events EMRA is planning for October's ACEP Scientific Assembly in Boston. Make plans to join us as we create moments that can only happen face-to-face.

Some highlights:

  • 20 in 6: Get ready to watch residents and fellows shine as they compete to deliver the best fast-paced, informative six-minute lectures using only 20 slides.
  • Case-Con: From classic presentations of zebra cases to rare presentations of common complaints, Case-Con is chock full of unique moments for students and residents alike.
  • EMRA Committees: 6,000+ EMRA members work together in 20 committees to help you find your niche in EM. Whether your passion is ultrasound or prehospital or social EM, EMRA committees have an event for you.
  • Job & Fellowship Fair: As the pandemic evolves, the job market is opening up for graduating residents, and this is your opportunity to meet in person with your future employer.
  • RepCo & Town Hall: Join representatives from residencies across the country as we create the policy that shapes the specialty we love.
  • SimWars & MedWAR: No one does competition like EMRA! Cheer on your co-residents as they compete in innovative scenarios to challenge their medical knowledge and physical abilities in these entertaining classic EMRA events.

There is nothing quite like the shared moments that are only possible when thousands of us come together for a conference. We cannot wait to celebrate getting back to normal with you.

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