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Hospitals and Hackers: Keeping Patients Safe From Cyber Attacks An 83-year-old female with a history of sick sinus syndrome status post pacemaker implantation presents to the emergency department (ED
How to be an EMRA Program Representative Remember the saying “drinking from a firehose” we all learn during medical school? That's how I felt at my first EMRA Representative Council meeting. As I en
Weeding through the Effects of Marijuana Legalization Legalization of marijuana has become a heated topic in the United States as 8 states and Washington, D.C., have legalized it for recreational use
Caring for All in a Divided Society If you're anything like me, the latest news headlines have left a part of you feeling uneasy. Whether you're conservative or liberal leaning, it seems safe to say
Mad as a Hatter: Physostigmine for Delirium Control in Anticholinergic Toxicity A 34-year-old female with a history of bipolar disorder, depression, and multiple previous suicide attempts is brought
EMRA and ACEP Working Together As the EMRA Board member representing all residents to the ACEP Board of Directors, I am frequently asked how our two organizations work together. While both EMRA and A
Letter from the Editor And in the end, when the life went out of him and my hands could work no more, I left from that place into the night and wept — for myself, for life, for the tragedy of death’s
Post-Match Reflections Generally when people think of emergency physicians, they think of adjectives like “laid back,” “chill,” “type-B,” and so on. Well, I definitely was not feeling like any of
The Away Game: Strategy for Audition Rotations Everyone interested in the specialty has heard the same comment time and time again: Emergency Medicine (EM) is becoming more competitive every year. Wh
Critical Care Alert: Point-of-Care Ultrasound in Out-of-Hospital and in-ED Cardiac Arrests A 57-year-old male with unknown past medical history becomes unresponsive as witnessed by bystanders. He is