Browsing: Pediatric EM

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Seizures account for about 1% of all ED visits for children younger than 18, and at least 5% of pediatric patients will experience a seizure by the time they are 16 years old. Treating the condition i
One of the worst flu seasons in recent years sent patients to the ED in droves. It also focused attention on oseltamivir's efficacy and safety in various populations. Is it safe for children? Adults?
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Signs of posterior sternoclavicular joint dislocations can be subtle, but this condition is a true orthopedic emergency. Are you prepared to perform a reduction in the ED if necessary?
Pediatric Drowning: In Over Your Head The sudden and unexpected death of a child is especially tragic when it is preventable, which is oftentimes the case with drowning. There have been multiple term
Passport to Health: Challenges of Caring for Undocumented Children in the Emergency Department Introduction An undocumented immigrant is an individual who enters the United States without inspection
To Cuff or Not to Cuff...That is the Question You are working a busy shift in the emergency department when you answer the EMS radio: “10-month-old, active compressions, GCS 3, be there in 2!” As yo
Evidence-Based Updates Case 1 A 6-year-old female presents with 3 days of fever, nausea, and vomiting from a presumed viral gastroenteritis. On examination she is febrile to 39 degrees Celsius and he
Diagnosis and Management of Pediatric Infective Endocarditis Pediatric infective endocarditis (IE) is a diagnostically challenging infection in children, as it often presents with vague or subtle sig
Barking Up the Wrong Tree: Not all Stridor is Croup Although a common presenting symptom, stridor can be the first sign of a serious and potentially life-threatening condition within the pediatric po
Tips for Tots: Ocular Chemical Burns A 3-year-old boy presents with his frantic parents after spilling bleach in his right eye 20 minutes prior to arrival while playing in the laundry room. Parents d