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Critically ill pediatric patients can make physicians-in-training nervous - and that anxiety is heightened when it comes to a pediatric patient in respiratory distress. This article reviews the basics
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The Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act was meant to ensure emergency care for all. While it has provided that type of safety net, some unintended consequences have not been as positive.
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Foreign body aspiration is a frequent complaint in the ED. Finding the culprit, however, is not always straightforward.
Toxicology - Flecainide OD - ecg.JPG
Flecainide overdose is a rare but serious toxic ingestion. Treatment includes the aggressive administration of sodium bicarbonate and a low threshold to initiate ILE or ECMO.
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Once routinely prescribed for a variety of infections, fluoroquinolones have been shown to increase the likelihood of a host of negative effects and are now used sparingly. Do you know the 3 condition
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Informatics remains an up-and-coming field, and its applications in medicine are far-reaching. Just don't be intimidated by the name.
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A dearth of acute interventions for mental and behavioral health means we discharge many of our most at-risk patients home without first being able to significantly reduce their symptoms. Can ketamine
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Spontaneous iliopsoas injury, most commonly associated with athletes, is a rare cause of atraumatic hip pain - yet it should remain on your differential when evaluating hip or low back pain among the
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Cuff defects top the list of structural causes of air leak from endotracheal tubes. Being able to troubleshoot the problem without changing the ETT decreases risk to the patient and saves valuable tim
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An EMRA travel scholarship helped add important skills that one recipient hopes never to need - yet is glad to have at the ready.