United States Navy Medical Service

Just about any medical student question can be answered with the information found on the Navy Accessions website. Some additional resources and links are highlighted on this Info Sheet, but be sure to explore the tabs and links on the Accessions website to review many of the detailed ins-and-outs describing the HPSP program and your role within the United States Navy medical corps.
The Navy also provides specific instruction for an individual’s transition to active duty, whether you are a graduating medical student, dental student, or NADDS resident. Those content outlines are found on this Navy Accessions website.
BUMEDNOTE 1524 – 23-24 Application Cycle
BUMEDNOTE 1524 is now available for the 2023-24 application cycle! Applicants are encouraged to read the full document to ensure all application procedures and requirements are met. Download a copy of the full guidance here: https://www.med.navy.mil/directives/Pages/BUMEDNotes.aspx
Access the Navy GME application here, for both MODS and paper applications (note: the website may not work on mobile devices): https://www.med.navy.mil/Naval-Medical-Leader-and-Professional-Development-Command/Professional-Development/Graduate-Medical-Education/
Note: Flight Surgery [FS] and Undersea Medicine Officer [UMO] applicants should refer to the full BUMEDNOTE 1524, as your specific deadlines and procedures may be different from the Navy GME application cycle deadlines listed below.
Important dates:
- 31 AUG 2023 - Deadline to create and submit a new GME application. Modifications can be made through 15 NOV 2023.
- 15 OCT 2023 - Deadline to submit required GME supporting documents.
- 23 OCT 2023 - JSGMESB scoring begins.
- 13 NOV 2023 - JSGMESB convenes.
- 13 DEC 2023 - JSGMESB results released - Military Match Day!
- 05 JAN 2024 - Training acceptance deadline for resident and fellowship selectees.
The Required Documents Checklist is included in BUMEDNOTE 1524 as Enclosure (2).
Mobile Applications
Check out the Navy Mobile App Locker at https://www.applocker.navy.mil/#!/apps for a list of dozens of apps for your mobile device designed to make your life in the Navy that much easier.
Categories include:
- Career Tools
- Education
- Emergency Preparedness
- Fitness
- General Military Training (GMT)
- Recreation (MWR)
- MyNavy
- Navy Advancement
- Navy Life
- Reference
Uniform Regulations
- Official NPC Uniform Regulations
- Uniform Matters section of the All Hands Navy Magazine
MyNavy Uniforms mobile app : https://www.applocker.navy.mil/#!/apps/DAF24623-F1E8-4943-8F77-5ED19F227579
Officer Development School (ODS)
ODS is a 5-week Naval officer training course designed to provide newly commissioned Navy officers with the basic information required to understand Naval culture and help create future Navy leaders to support the fleet. Ideally, ODS will be the first Active Duty Training (ADT) completed by each medical student, although it is not uncommon for medical students to complete ODS at a later date. ODS is conducted at Officer Training Command (OTC) Newport in Newport, Rhode Island. Additional information, instruction, and available course dates are available at this Navy Accessions webpage.
As well as the formal Officer Training Command website
Navy Reimbursement Guide
- Reimbursement instructions, forms, and guidelines are available on the Navy Accessions Reimbursement webpage
Questions? Email USN.HPSP-ADT.Reimburse@health.mil or call 1-301-295-9978.
CORD Navy Student Success Planner
CAC Card
All HPSP students are required to obtain a military ID card. This card will help you access MODS on government access computers, set up LHI and AKO accounts, and give you access to military bases. To obtain a CAC Card you must visit your local Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) office.
The DEERS office is also where you can register dependents and obtain family member ID cards. It is important to prioritize this step as it can take some time and the closest DEERS office may be far away.
Navy HPSP Contacts
Dr. Dustin M. Porter,
Acting Program Manager for Navy Medicine Accessions Department
Email: dustin.m.porter.mil@health.mil
Division Officer:
Kitrina Berrios,
Program Mangers:
Ms. Michelle Matthews
Ms. Sommer Royal-Harris
Students are divided based on last names.
Michelle Matthews- A-K michelle.matthews2.civ@health.mil
Sommer Royal- L-Z sommer.l.royal.civ@health.mil
Program Managers:
Ms. Charlotte Moore
Ms. Paula Campbell
Primary student email contact: usn.ncr.bumedfchva.mbx.usn-oh-student-programs@health.mil
EMRA Government Services Committee
As always, EMRA is determined to make your life in EM as easy as possible no matter your specific niche or interest. Be sure to check out the additional resources available through the Government Services (GS) Committee website and join the EMRA GS Basecamp to stay up to date on all things military EM.
Gov Services BasecampThe views and opinions expressed in this website are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect official policy or position of the United States Air Force, United States Army, United States Navy, Department of Defense, or U.S. Government.