Administration and Operations Committee
Administration & Operations Leaders

Andrew Luo, MD, MBA

Savannah Harshbarger, MD

Vice Chair
Puja Singh, MD

Vice Chair
Jaskaran Bains, MD, MBA

Vice Chair
Neha Gupta, MD

Assistant Vice Chair
Richard Ngo, DMD

Assistant Vice Chair
Josue Minaya, MD

New Happenings
NEW - Admin and Ops Literature Review
The literature is full of studies that can impact the operations of a health care system. This series examines recent papers and the potential implications for emergency medicine.
Learn MoreUpcoming Events
There are currently no events available
Committee Videos
Leadership in Emergency Medicine: Best Practices for Mentoring APPs
Daniel Swedien, MD | John Hopkins Medicine
Elizabeth Temin, MD, MPH | Massachusetts General Hospital
Allyson Togashi, PA-C | University Medical Center of Southern Nevada
EMRA's Admin & Ops and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion committees come together and explore the art of leadership in emergency medicine, delving into the intricacies of mentoring advanced practice providers.
Watch NowNegotiations for the EM Physician | CORD 23 Programming
Watch NowCracking the Code: Navigating the Changes in 2023 E/M Coding and Documentation
In early April EMRAs Administration & Operations Committee hosted a virtual talk covering the major changes in the E/M Coding and Documentation. Current Administration and Health Equity fellow at UCLA, Amy Yap, MD, led the lecture with cases and interactive content to help residents and providers better understand these changes and how to write an efficient and effective chart.
Watch Now!Admin Ops Medicare for all/US Health Insurance System featured by Dr. Lugassy
Admin & Ops Committee on Thursday August 4th had an awesome talk on Medicare for All as well as any US health insurance-related topic of your interest. Our speaker was Dr. Daniel Lugassy, a toxicologist and expert on US health insurance. Come learn more about how the system shapes our lives and those of our patients, and how we can best make an impact.
Watch NowHealth Policy + Admin/Ops Committees | Leaders in EM Health Policy session with Dr. Gabe Kelen
Dr. Gabor Kelen. On January 5th, 2022, the Health Policy Committee and Administration+Operations Committee welcomed Dr. Gabor Kelen, Chair of Emergency Medicine at Johns Hopkins and ACEP board member, to share some of his insight about ongoing policy challenges facing the ED. He provided some background on the motivation behind his recent NEJM Catalyst article on ED crowding (accessible here: ) as well as broader lessons regarding this challenging policy issue in the thick of the ongoing Covid pandemic. If you were not able to join us, we hope that you will take time to listen to what was an inspiring session!
Watch NowEMRA Interview Prep Workshop
This Interview Prep Workshop is designed to help members polish up their Interview techniques in preparation for interviewing for residency, fellowship, or a job. Breakout rooms will be available specifically for each level of training.
Watch NowEMRA CV Workshop
EMRA's Administration and Operations Committee is partnering with the Education Committee to bring an interactive Workshop to polish off your CV and prepare it for the next stage of your career.
Watch NowEMRA Admin & Ops + Government Services Collaboration: June 2021
EMRA's Administration & Operations and Government Services Committees collaborate for a power session with Dr. Gillian Schmitz.
Sponsored By:
EMRA Administration & Operations Committee
EMRA Government Services Committee
Dr. Gillian Schmitz, MD, FACEP
ACEP President-Elect
The Future of Telehealth in Emergency Medicine
April 2021
EMRA's Informatics and Administration & Operations Committees held a panel discussion with Emily Hayden, MD, MHPE; Aditi Joshi, MD, MSc, FACEP; and Sari Lahham, MD, MBA, who will discuss the role of telehealth in Emergency Medicine. From current best practices to rapid deployment brought about by COVID-19, to future opportunities for expanded utilization, the conversation will be full of exciting ideas in this quickly growing field!
Watch NowLife After Residency: Contracts, Careers, Pay, and Policy
EMRA's Administration and Operations and Health Policy Committees power a session dedicated to preparing EM residents for their future careers after residency!
Watch NowED of the Future: Is the Traditional Hospital-Based ED Outdated?
A futuristic conversation with Emergency Medicine Thought Leaders
Sponsored By:
EMRA Administration & Operations Committee
EMRA Health Policy Committee
ACEP Young Physicians’ Section
Judd Hollander MD
SVP for Healthcare Delivery Innovation
Ricardo Martinez MD
CMO of Adeptus
Jesse Pines MD, MBA, MSCE
National Director for Clinical Innovation at USACS
Cedric Dark, MD, MPH, FACEP
Founder and Executive Editor of Policy Prescriptions®
Gillian Schmitz MD, FACEP
ACEP Vice President
Arjun Venkatesh MD, MBA, MHS
Chief of Administration Section at Yale

Fireside Chat
Exchange dialouge with EMRA leaders about how to pursue hospital leadership opportunities during medical school, residency, and beyond.
Ynhi Thomas, MD, MPH, MSc
Baylor College of Medicine
Nick Cozzi, MD, MBA
Spectrum Health/Michigan State University
Phillip Tseng, MD, MBA
Ohio State University Medical Center
Nicholas Stark, MD, MBA
University of California San Francisco - San Francisco General Hospital
Jared Ditkowsky, MD
Mount Sinai School of Medicine - New York
Operationalizing COVID Care : Tech and Healthcare Innovation
Christopher Peabody, MD, MPH
Founding Director, UCSF Acute Care Innovation Center
Operationalizing COVID Care: NYC Response
Brendan Carr, MD
Chair of Emergency Medicine
Mount Sinai
Operationalizing COVID Care: Ventilator Utilization Strategies
Anne Messman, MD
Vice Chair of Education
Wayne State University Dept of EM
Dr. Messman discusses Ventilator Utilization Strategies in the ED and tough decisions during COVID-19.
Watch NowOperationalizing COVID Care
Nida Degesys, MD
Assistant Professor
Emergency Medicine
University of California San Francisco
Dr. Degesys discusses the things that UCSF has been doing to accommodate COVID patients in the emergency department and many things that have to be considered for patient and provider safety.
Watch NowJoining EMRA Committees is easy and FREE.
Just log into your EMRA account, scan the QR code, or click the JOIN NOW button for the one(s) you wish to join.
EMRA Committees are all hosted on WhatsApp to help facilitate communication and collaboration in the smoothest way possible.
Admin & Ops Committee Objectives:
- Create and disseminate educational resources in topics related to emergency department management, operations, and administration
- Interface with other major emergency medicine organizations and societies to drive the growth of operations and quality improvement research and practice
- Conduct administration and operations focused programming at EMRA conferences
- Develop tools to support emergency medicine residents pursuing careers in management and administration
- Support EMRA advocacy efforts in the areas of healthcare management and administration

EMRA Fellowship Guide
Chapter 2 Administration/ED Operations/Patient Safety & Quality Improvement Fellowships
Successful physicians have long known that the practice of medicine is equal parts art and science, but today’s physicians also must be knowledgeable about the business of medicine. Administrative and operations fellowships in emergency medicine were designed to prepare residency graduates with the administrative, quality, health policy, patient safety, research, and operational skills necessary to lead an emergency department, hospital, or health care system, and to research the best approaches to ED operations. At some academic medical centers, institution-wide fellowships focused solely on patient safety and quality improvement have also been created.
Go to Chapter 2Related Content

Aug 21, 2023
Advanced Payment Models (APMs) in EM: Why they Matter& What Residents Need to Know
The specialty of Emergency Medicine needs future leaders to pull away from seeing patients as quickly as possible (I.e. "volume") and instead to push each ED patient encounter to be a high-value contribution to the health care system (I.e. "value.") Join a panel of experts with present-day experience in Alternative Payment Models (APMs) in Emergency Medicine as they describe current victories as well as ongoing challenges across practice settings. Join us to learn how the shape of these ongoing trends will affect your next shift, next paycheck, and next employer.