Pediatric EM Committee
Pediatric EM Leaders

Rebecca Leff, MD

Chair Elect
Lauren Altomare, DO

Vice Chair
Ashley Sholmire, DO

Assistant Vice Chair
David Surace, DO

Director of Leadership Development
Grace Bunemann, DO
Chicago, IL

Committee Videos

2023 Pathways to Pediatric Emergency Medicine: Combined EM-Pediatrics Residency Program Director Panel
Medical students pursuing a career in pediatric emergency medicine will find there are several possible routes to achieve this goal. In this webinar, the program directors from the Combined Emergency Medicine & Pediatrics residency programs present a roadmap outlining the different available pathways. We are grateful to our panelists, Dr. Anna McFarlin from Louisiana State University, Dr. Jennifer Guyther from University of Maryland, Dr. Geoff Hays from Indiana University, and Dr. Aaron Leetch from University of Arizona.
Watch NowRecognizing Sick Kids: Case-Based Video Discussion with Dr. Aaron Leetch
The critically ill child is a relatively rare presentation in the ED. This can lead to a lack of recognition, familiarity, and comfort caring for these patients. Recognizing sick children is key to successful resuscitation and management. To help bridge this knowledge and experience gap, Dr. Aaron Leetch leads a case-based video discussion on the recognition of sick kids. By the end of this talk, learners should be able to use the Pediatric Assessment to identify sick kids and start on the correct path in their resuscitation.
Watch Now2022 Pathways to Pediatric Emergency Medicine: Combined EM-Pediatrics Residency Program Director Panel
Medical students pursuing a career in pediatric emergency medicine will find there are several possible routes to achieve this goal. In this webinar, the program directors from the Combined Emergency Medicine & Pediatrics residency programs present a roadmap outlining the different available pathways. We are grateful to our panelists, Dr. Anna McFarlin from Louisiana State University, Dr. Jennifer Guyther from University of Maryland, Dr. Geoff Hays from Indiana University, and Dr. Aaron Leetch from University of Arizona.
Watch NowPediatric Emergency Medicine Simulation Curriculum
Creation of an Emergency Medicine Resident simulation curriculum for Pediatric Emergency Medicine (EM RESCU PEDS)
Rebekah Burns, MD
Watch NowACEP21 PEM Virtual Escape Room : Earn Your Merit Badge
Today is your test for your first aid merit badge at Camp ACEP! There are several campers around who need your help.
Learn MoreChild Life Skills for the EM Physician
Lauren Keyes, a child life specialist at Kravis Children's Hospital in New York City talks about child life tips and tricks to incorporate into your practice.
Watch NowPEM Fellowship Applicant Panel
Are you applying to PEM fellowship this year? Are you worried about the possibility of a virtual application cycle? Tune in to this panel discussion with residents who matched during the highly atypical 2020-21 application season.
Watch NowPEM Fellowship Program Director Panel
The EMRA PEM Committee welcomes a panel of fellowship program directors and assistant program directors from all over the country, discussing lessons learned from the pandemic-necessitated virtual application season in 2020-2021.
Watch NowPEM Virtual Escape Room : Earn Your Merit Badge
Today is your test for your first aid merit badge at Camp ACEP! There are several campers around who need your help.
Learn MorePediatric Palliative Care
What happens when a pediatric patient is facing death? Learn how to structure and hold an effective family meeting - and how to process grief. Kai Romero, MD, chief medical officer, Hospice By the Bay, and emergency physician with Kaiser San Francisco, takes you through these important steps.
Watch NowNavigating the PEM Fellowship Match
Jessica Chow, MD
Taryn Webb, MD
Yale PEM Fellow
Mt. Sinai EM
Tabitha Cheng, MD
Harbor-UCLA PEM Fellow
EMS/Disaster Fellow
UCLA-Olive View EM
Pediatric Ventilators for Emergency Providers
Tom Kallay, MD
Division Chief of Pediatric Critical Care
Pediatric COVID Disaster Preparedness
Rishi Desai, MD
Pediatric Infectious Disease Physician
Former CDC Epidemic Intelligence Office
Chief Medical Officer of
Shiv Gaglani, MBA
Co-founder and CEO of
EMRA Pediatric Emergency Medicine Objectives
- Provide educational opportunities and resources for the management of pediatric patients in the emergency department
- Develop tools and resources to assist pediatric emergency medicine fellowship applicants
- Promote networking and mentorship opportunities for members interested in a career in pediatric emergency medicine
- Encourage advancement of pediatric emergency medicine research
Why Pediatric Emergency Medicine?
Do you love pediatrics? Are you a person who likes the fast pace and variety of the emergency department? Then Pediatric Emergency Medicine is for you! Combining the best of general pediatrics with the best of the critical care specialties and emergency medicine, Pediatric Emergency Medicine is a good fit for the calm, curious physicians who enjoy both the intellectual and procedural challenge of resuscitations as well as the joy of interacting with children during an exam. As one of the younger specialties within Pediatrics, and the first subspecialty within Emergency Medicine, there are areas of significant growth and the ongoing potential for significant, clinically relevant research that will significantly affect the care of children.
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Just log into your EMRA account, scan the QR code, or click the JOIN NOW button for the one(s) you wish to join.
EMRA Committees are all hosted on WhatsApp to help facilitate communication and collaboration in the smoothest way possible.

Virtual Mentorship Program
If you have an interest in Pediatric Emergency Medicine but do not have adequate mentorship at your home institution, we can help! Follow the link below to sign up for a mentor - or to serve as one.
PEM Mentorship Guide for Mentors & Mentees
Virtual Mentor/Mentee Registration
ACEP Pediatric EM Section
As a resident, you get joint memberships in both EMRA and ACEP - so make sure you're aware and informed of what the ACEP Pediatric EM Section is doing!
When you set up your EMRA/ACEP membership, you get (2) section memberships for free - one to the ACEP Young Physician Section, and one of your choice. Why not make that choice Pediatric EM?
Additional ACEP section fees are half off - only $20
Learn More
Pediatric EM Fellowships
Check out the different Pediatric Fellowships in EMRA Match.
Find Fellowships
EMRA Fellowship Guide
Chapter 19 Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowship
Pediatric emergency medicine (PEM) is a clinical subspecialty that focuses on caring for the complicated and acutely ill pediatric patient in the emergency department. The subspecialty is available to both pediatricians and emergency medicine (EM) physicians, and completion of PEM training and examination results in board certification in pediatric emergency medicine.
Go to Chapter 19Applying for PEM Fellowship Toolkit
Overview information, timeline, and sample personal statement for PEM Fellowships
Basics of Emergency Medicine: Pediatrics, 3rd Edition
Published: June, 2021This resource aims to erase some of the stress of caring for our youngest patients. It offers considerations for the most common pediatric complaints — along with considerations for child abuse, an overview of neonatal emergencies, and ultra-useful pediatric medication charts, normal vital signs, and likely diseases per age group.
Order now from Amazon or the EMRA Store
Published: July, 2014Emergent delivery? Septic newborn? Confidently handle these less-than-comfortable situations in the emergency department. This practical, two-sided pocket card includes initial vent settings, antibiotic and pressor dosages, neonatal airway pearls, a neonatal resuscitation algorithm, and more.
Order now from Amazon or the ACEP Bookstore!
EMRA Member Price $7.49 | ACEP Member Price $10.49 | List Price $12.49
Pediatric ECG Card
Published: July, 2014These ECG pictorials of causes of sudden cardiac death in children can help you identify dangerous patterns early enough to save a life. Because ECGs are obtained less frequently in children than they are in adults, this essential card is geared toward the interpretation of congenital cardiac anomalies and causes for sudden cardiac death, rather toward adult ischemia. Pediatric ECG interpretations based on age will be in the palm of your hand, along with ED-relevant Davignon intervals for age, anatomic clues for differentiating congenital heart physiology, and normal pediatric variants.
Order now from Amazon or the ACEP Bookstore!
EMRA Member Price $7 // ACEP Member Price $10 // List Price $12
Pediatric Qwic
Published: May, 2017EMRA’s comprehensive quick-reference card puts indispensable pediatric medical information at your fingertips -- from proper dosages to vital statistics by age. The tri-fold Qwic Card includes pertinent sections for critical care including: toxicology formulas, treatment of DKA, treatment of hyperkalemia, neonatal resuscitation, modified infant GCS score, RSI-pretreatment, RSI-Induction, RSI-paralysis ventilation, pearls, fluids, sedation and analgesia, seizure medication, anaphylaxis, asthma and croup, medication drips, cardiac medication and arrhythmia, antihypertensives and diuretics, antidotes, antibiotics, blood products, and rhythm disturbances (fast, slow, pulseless arrest). Also included is a chart of average vitals and equipment sizes by age (newborn to 12 yrs).
Order now from Amazon or the ACEP Bookstore!
EMRA Member Price $7.49 | ACEP Member Price $10.49 | List Price $12.49
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Oct 18, 2022
Recognizing Sick Kids
The critically ill child is a relatively rare presentation in the emergency department. This can lead to a lack of recognition, familiarity, or confidence in caring for these patients. Recognizing sick children is key to successful resuscitation and management. To help bridge this knowledge and experience gap, Dr. Aaron Leetch will lead a case-based video discussion on the recognition of sick kids. By the end of this talk, learners should be able to use the Pediatric Assessment to identify sick kids and start on the correct path in their resuscitation.