Update EMRA Clerkship Match

Important Information For COVID-19

With COVID-19, many clerkships are being impacted and we want to make sure EMRA Clerkship Match is updated to provide the most accurate information possible.

With travel restrictions and changing availabilty of opportunities, EMRA Clerkship Match is a great place to let medical students know your clerkship's current status.

Go To Clerkship Match

Update EMRA Clerkship Match

With travel restrictions and changing availabilty of opportunities, EMRA Clerkship Match is a great place to let medical students know your clerkship's current status.

Go To Clerkship Match

Let medical students know:

  • The correct contact information for your program.
  • Do you have flexible interview dates?  
  • Who writes students SLOEs? 
  • Do you consider IMG students?
  • Do you require USMLE Step 1 or COMLEX scores prior to extending clerkship invitation?
  • Which EM subspecialty rotations are offered at your site?
  • What month do you have Spot Availability?
  • Additional information students should know. (700 characters limit)


The SPOT Availabilty months have 3 options:  Available, Not Available, and Contact Program.  

The Additional Information section is a great place to explain how your program is helping during this time of uncertainty and the options available at your program.


How To Update EMRA Clerkship Match

  1. Go To http://webapps.acep.org/utils/spa/match#/type/Clerkship
  2. Find your program on the map.
  3. Click on the imagenvc1e.pngicon.
  4. The program information will display on the right.
  5. Click on the pencil imagec0x7w.png icon.
  6. Make sure you update the information, include SPOT availablity indicators and the Additional Information Students Should Know section.
  7. The Clerkship Information Update Form will display.  Update the information and click the Add or Update button when finished.




What if my clerkship is not on the map?

At the top of the screen is a button to Add Program .  This will bring up the questionaire for your program.


How long does it take for updates to show on the map?

As a crowd sourced system, EMRA staff reviews submissions for accuracy.  Usually these updates are done within 24-48 hours (or 72-96 hours if over a weekend).

How often can I submit updates for the program?

As often as the information changes.  As Spot availablity, contact information, or information students should know changes please submit an update to the program.

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