Jordan Celeste, MD

Emergency Physicians of Central Florida
Four Corners Freestanding ED, Medical Director

Reimbursement runs medicine today, and Jordan Celeste is at the forefront of efforts to improve it for patients and colleagues alike. Since residency, she has worked tirelessly to understand, explain, and influence the way emergency care is reimbursed, through her leadership as an EMRA president, then ACEP leader, a chair of the Emergency Medicine Foundation, and an advisor to the AMA RVS Update Committee.

Jennifer Beck-Esmay, MD

Keegan Checkett, MD, MSc

More than 200 applications were reviewed by the selection committee, comprising Chair Omar Maniya, MD, MBA, with Hannah Hughes, MD, MBA; RJ Sontag, MD; Venkat Subramanyam, MD; Erik Blutinger, MD, MSc; Sophia Spadafore, MD; Karina Sanchez, MD; and Jazmyn Shaw, MS-IV. The selection committee was blinded to EMRA and/or ACEP membership status. Care was taken to ensure both a diverse applicant pool and awardee group. For any questions, contact us at

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