United States Air Force Medical Service

Welcome to Military Medicine
Whether you are an undergrad considering a career in military medicine or ready to start applying for your audition rotations the path to success can be difficult to navigate. Below are a few resources and helpful hints to help all new officers and aspiring HPSP’ers fulfill their requirements and learn what it takes to be an officer in the United States Air Force.
Uniform Regulations
Officer Code and Conduct
Most of this will be learned at Officer Training. For a primer, read the OTSMAN. During Officer Training, you will be instructed on military bearing, dress, saluting, and how to handle yourself as an officer.
Officer Training
All officers have to undergo Officer Training School prior to their first duty station. Most do this before their first year of medical school, but some wait until later in school. It is strongly suggested to do it prior to the first year of medical school. The OTS program is constantly changing and being updated. More information can be found under COT Attendance Guidelines link on the Civilian Institutional Program Portal.
Air Force Reimbursement Guide
Reimbursements are completed via the AFIT Form 31 (found on the Civilian Institution Portal) and the Reimbursement EFT Form (found on the Civilian Institution Portal). Submit along with your receipts to the MSUCOM Office of the Registrar for authorization and submission. Additional information at the Civilian Institution Portal: https://cip.afit.edu/cip/.
For any other questions call 1-800-543-3490.
CORD Student Success Calendar
CAC Card
All HPSP students are required to obtain a military ID card. This card will help you access MODS on government access computers, set up LHI and AKO accounts, and give you access to military bases.
To obtain a reserve Military ID card, report to the nearest military installation that has military ID card processing capability. Call the installation ahead of time to ensure you have all the documentation they require. Further instructions can be found on CIP under Military Resources -> Obtaining a Reserve Military ID https://idco.dmdc.osd.mil/idco/
Air Force HPSP Contacts
- Kelly L. Adams
- Office of the Surgeon General, Civ
- Email: Kelly.Adams@afit.edu
- Maj Nitasha Garcia, MD
- Associate Medical Corps Director, Deputy Chief, Medical Force Sustainment, Office of the Air Force Surgeon General
- Email: Nitasha.d.garcia.mil@mail.mil
- COM: 703-681-7163 DSN: 761-7163
- David Zemkowsky
- Email: david.zemkosky.1@us.af.mil
EMRA Government Services Committee
As always, EMRA is determined to make your life in EM as easy as possible no matter your specific niche or interest. Be sure to check out the additional resources available through the Government Services (GS) Committee website and join the EMRA GS Basecamp to stay up to date on all things military EM.
Gov Services BasecampThe views and opinions expressed in this website are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect official policy or position of the United States Air Force, United States Army, United States Navy, Department of Defense, or U.S. Government.