On The Brink of Chief


On The Brink of Chief

July 15, 2019

In this episode, Dr. Tiffany Proffitt and Dr. Miguel Reyes talk with a panel of newly elected chiefs about their hopes, fears, and plans in their chief year.


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Tiffany Proffitt, DO, MABS

Attending Physician
Honor Health, Scottsdale, AZ

EMRA*Cast Episodes
EM Resident Articles

Miguel A. Reyes, MD

Hackensack University Medical Center
EMRA*Cast Episodes
EM Resident Articles


Maddi Massa, DO

Chief at Lakeland in St. Joseph, Michigan 

Chris Evans, DO

Chief at Doctors in Columbus, Ohio

Greg Tanquary, DO

Chief at Doctors in Columbus, Ohio

Manavjeet Sidhu, MD

Chief at UCSF-Fresno in Fresno, California


In this episode, Tiffany and Miguel talk with a panel of newly elected chiefs about their hopes, fears, and plans in their chief year. They share when they knew they wanted to be chief and who influenced that decision. The panel shares the legacies they hope to leave and how they think the chief roll will influence their careers after residency. The episode finishes with some tips for future chiefs and a promise to join EMRACAST for a debrief when this chief year culminates. If you think you might want to be chief, start finding ways to be involved and lead early but be honest with yourself and do it for the right reasons.


EMRA book The Chief Resident Survival Guide

Key Points:

  • The Chief role isn’t just for residents hoping for a career in academics and a fellowship spot – it’s about learning how to lead.
  • Be prepared for anything – who knows what will shape your chief year.
  • Seek Feedback. Be Humble. Lead by Example.
  • And if nothing else… it’s all about the fame and fortune


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