EMRA 45 Under 45

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As EMRA celebrates its 45th anniversary, we celebrate young influencers in emergency medicine who shape the future in communities, hospitals, and our specialty.

Learn more about the 2019 EMRA 45 Under 45 Recipients

2019 EMRA 45 Under 45 Award Recipients

On behalf of the EMRA Board of Directors, we are excited to announce the EMRA 45 Under 45 list of recipients! We received over 400 nominations that contained unique accomplishments and powerful stories.

We will begin revealing details on one recipient each day via social media starting 45 days ahead of our 45th Anniversary celebration. 

Please come back and read about all of these impressive young physicians!

Congratulate the winners! #EMRA45u45

Over 400 applications were reviewed by the selection committee, comprised of Steven J. Stack, MD, MBA, FACEP, Zach Jarou, MD, Omar Z. Maniya, MD, MBA, Hannah Hughes, MD, MBA, Ven Subramanyam, MD, Erin Karl, MD, and Jazmyn Shaw.

The selection committee was blinded to EMRA and/or ACEP membership status. Care was taken to ensure both a diverse applicant pool and awardee group. For any questions, contact Cathey Wise at cwise@emra.org

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